
  • Bolli, Margrit & Flik, Eva. 1978. La phonologie du Muan. Annales de l’Université d’Abidjan. Sér. H., T. XI, Fasc. 1.
  • Ethnologue
  • Fleming, Caroline B. 1995. An introduction to Mona grammar. M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Texas, Arlington, 159 p.
  • Orthographe mwan. 2000. Abidjan: CIL. 22 p.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2004. Verbal morphology of Mwan // Mandenkan. Bulletin d'études linguistiques mandé. 39. 69-85.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2005a. Istoriya o koldovstve v derevne Banbaluma (rasskaz Amosa Gogbe) [The story of witchcraft in the village of Banbaluma (the story of Amos Gogbe)] \\ Ad hominem. In memory of Nikolai Girenko. SPb.: Kunstkamera. 67-94.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2005b. YAzyk muan: mestoimennyye konstruktsii – voprositel'nyye, otritsatel'nyye, neopredelennyye \\ IV Tipologicheskaya shkola. Mezhdunarodnaya shkola po lingvisticheskoy tipologii i antropologii. [The Mwan language: pronominal constructions: interrogative, negative, indeterminate] \\ IV typological school. International School on Linguistic Typology and Anthropology. Yerevan, Republic of Armenia 21-28 September 2005. Moscow. MGU. 264-269.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2007. Les propositions relatives en mwan. Mandenkan, 43, 47-59.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2008a. Body parts and their metaphoric meanings in Mwan and other South-Mande languages \\ Mandenkan. 44 : 53-62.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2008b. Prostranstvennyy deyksis yazyka muan [Spatial deixis of the Mwan language] \\ Valentin Vydrin (ed.). African collection 2007. SPb: Nauka, 355-366.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2009a. Oriyentatsiya i lokalizatsiya v yazyke muan [Orientation and localization in the Mwan language] \\ Viktor Vinogradov (ed.) Research on African languages. Issue 3. Collection of papers read on the linguistic section of the XI Conference of Africanists "Development of Africa: opportunities and challenges", Moscow, Institute of Linguistics RAS. 218-230.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2009b. Istoriya Mishelya Dzhoro (publikatsiya teksta s glossirovaniyem i kommentariyem) [The story of Michael Dioro (publication of the text with commentary)] \\ African collection 2009. St. Petersburg: Kunstkamera. 442-465.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2010a. Otglagol'noye imya ili otglagol'noye prilagatel'noye? (nefinitnaya glagol'naya forma v yazyke muan) [Verbal noun or verbal adjective? Non-finite verb form in the Mwan language)] \\ V. Demyankov and V. Porhomovsky (eds.) In the space of language and culture. Sound, sign, meaning. Collection of papers for the 70th anniversary of V.A. Vinogradov. Moscow: Languages Slavic cultures. 268-291.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2010b. Pronouns and pronominal compounds in Mwan. Personal pronouns in Niger-Congo languages. International Workshop, St. Petersburg, Sept. 13-15, 2010. Abstracts and papers. Working materials. SPb, 114-120.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2011a. Nominalization in Mwan. Mandenkan, 47. 57–75.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2011b. Aspektual'naya sistema yazyka muan: finitnyye formy glagola [Aspectual system of the Mwan language: finite verb forms] // Elena Perekhvalskaya amd Alexandr Zheltov (eds.) Le monde mandé. On the 50th anniversary of V.F. Vydrin. SPb. Nestor-Istorija, 138-150.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2013. Deictic space in the Mwan language \\ Mandenkan. Bulletin d'études linguistiques mandé. 50. 103-116.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2014a. Mwan language : dictionary and corpus of texts. ACL Anthology A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics:
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2014b. Struktura traditsionnogo povestvovaniya (yazyk muan) [Traditional narrative structure (the Mwan language)] \\ Anthropology and Linguistics. Proceedings of the St. Petersburg expeditions to Africa (Ed.: A.Yu. Zheltov). St. Petersburg: Kunstkamera. 189–202.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2015. K opredeleniyu slova v izoliruyushchem yazyke (yazyk muan). [On the definition of “word” in an isolating language (the case of Mwan)] // Natalia Slepokurova, Elena Rikhakainen (eds.) 150th anniversary of the Department of General Linguistics of the St. Petersburg State University. Collection of articles. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Philology. 204-215.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2016. Les moyens anaphoriques du récit traditionnel: un cas du mwan. Mandenkan, 55, 175-188.
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena. 2017. Iazyk muan [The Mwan language]. In : Valentin Vydrin, Yu.V. Mazurova, A.A. Kibrik, E.B. Markus (eds.). Languages of the World. Mande languages. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija. 718-765
  • Perekhvalskaya, Elena & Moïse Yegbé and Vincent Yegbé. 2018. Dictionnaire Mwan-Français. Mandenkan 60. 2018. 3-122
  • Yegbé, Koffi Antoine. Processes of nominalization in Mwan. Nairobi: Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, s.a. 67 p.